After a day of rest, Sunday morning crept up and what better way to spend it than at one of the flea markets – we were recommended ‘Die Mauer markt’ which is in Die Mauer Park’ funnily enough. It was a strange mix of absolute tack and lots of stuff for bicycles, some of which they had been ‘re-cycled’. I managed to get my Inspector Derrick t-shirt and the morning quota of beers and sausages was had, remember this was one of the main objectives of the mission. Apparently the Wall passed through here and on Sunday mornings the East-Berliners would camp out on a hill close-by and oogle and the trading going on, the sausages being scoffed and illicit substances being consumed. In the afternoon we went to Krauzburg, the hoppin’ in-place in Berlin. There were loads of bars, though Sunday evening is not the time to visit. We visited Max u Moritz, a classic bar but this Berlin place looks like a return trip is needed. We ended up back in Alexanderplatz and my attempt to go on the boat trip was thwarted both by Willy’s reticence and the fact it was closed. We ended up in this huge bar watching a thunder and lightening storm. Back to Madrid the next day courtesy of Lufthansa, and what a wonderful Airline, the charming air-hostess made sure I was well stocked with beers but alas, no sausages.
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