It's a while since I've been down to Conil so the opportunity presented itself last weekend. There was the Feria in Chiclana as well as a chance to hunt down Encarna and meet up with Chary who runs the Spanish section of the European Irish website. National cars provided me with a toy car, more suitable for young ladies to flit between shopping centers, but it did the business AND IT WAS CHEAP! 160€ for 5 days. It's great to get out of town, that feeling of liberation as you pass the last set of traffic lights, the last pile of dog poo, the last slick of lung paint... A moment of panic always sets in just around Getafe when I start to wonder 'Did I turn the gas off/ close the window/ leave a tap running' and so on but that's soon forgotten about. It's a 7 hour drive down, but with the window open and the sounds blaring, it zips passed - Valdepeñas, Bailen, Cordoba, Sevilla and in next to no time I'm pulling up to the house that JM has graciously lent me for my stay. Dump the gear off and hit Conil for tapas. First stop as always, for I am a creature of habit is 'Los Hermanos' right by the arch. This bar is always packed and the boys are running around dispensing food and drink to all, quite a sight. I had a plate of 'puntillitas' also called 'chopitos', a type of very small squid, about the size of your thumb, with eyes on it. Then to 'El Capricho' on the way down to the sea-front. It's run by Antonio and he does the best 'brocheta de Atun' (Tuna on a skewer) in the galaxy. A beer and then back to the crib for the first decent nights sleep in ages for there are no builders banging holes and carving a new house at eight o' clock in the bloody morning.
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