28th Dec. A bit of a slow start to the day alter the excesses of yesterday. Nevertheless Encarna came bounding down the stairs ready for more action. Today is race day so we head for Leapardstown, one of the institutions of Christmas in Dublin. A chance to have a few scoops, lose money on the nags and rub shoulders with the rich and famous – I did all, Encarna on the other hand, found some money on the ground and as she was taking it easy, came out ahead on the day. Thanks to Alex for getting us the passes and to the Admiral Fleetwood and family for entertaining us and giving us a well-needed lift back home. Next day was excursion day so we drove down to visit the Powerscourt waterfall, as seen in ‘Excalibur’, to Eniskerry village and finally to Johnny Foxs pub. It’s a sort of theme park museum with acres of photos of visiting dignitaries and tons of rusting agricultural implements. The bill of fare is very good and despite the fact that it is one of the highest pubs in the land, the speciality is seafood. I had a demon chowder and Encarna had a cheese plate with heaps of brown bread to which she is coming partial. The 30th was the trip to Belfast if only to be able to say I was on the ‘Enterprise’ (Star Trek fans take note), the train that whisked us across the border. We didn’t have a lot of time but sufficient to have a stroll around, a plate of champ in The Crown bar, a spin on the Belfast Wheel, a photo opportunity with the monument to the International Brigade who fought in the Spanish Civil War and the main reason – a chance to have a couple of pints with Ed and Ira in the Prince of Wales.
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